Many people think about ways they can eat
healthier. Most will put it to practice at least some of the time,
choosing better options when eating out or making meals at home. But
for the best results, eating right can’t be a part-time hobby. It
requires a full commitment no matter where you are. That can be
tricky in the workplace, where the priority is on getting your work
done and/or staying alert through the entire day. Eating right during
the work day is still very important, and we have some advice for
sticking to a plan even on the job.
The problems with trying to eat healthy during
work are the constant focus on doing the job, being limited to only
the food you brought in advance, and not always having enough time to
eat. This makes it easy to settle for whatever food is around, taking
a cheaper and less healthy option. Or you may spend your lunch break
fixated on your monitor or your screen instead of thinking about how
much you’re eating.
The one advantage to your work schedule is that it
is a schedule. That means you can set times for eating. Make a
routine out of your snack and lunch break and stick to it. Now you’re
not worrying about when you can get them done, but rather what foods
you’ll select. Fresh fruit (or even healthy fruit snacks) and
low-fat beef jerky are good options that help provide energy for the
day. Equally important is taking your breaks away from your desk. It
reduces the likelihood for distractions, gets you off your chair and
walking, and keeps your desk clean and free of germs.
While we’d never deny anyone their morning cup
of coffee, drinking water regularly is essential. A lack of water can
lead to feeling tired and hungry, both easy ways to get off course.
Bring a water bottle and use it regularly. You should also consider
bringing last night’s leftovers for a lunch option. If you’re
committed to eating right, it will be healthier than most
alternatives, faster, and can save you money.