Thursday, November 21, 2013

Go To The Tape

We're in the middle of football season and rolling into holiday shopping season. The synchronization between the two has meant that football merchandise is a gift that is both easy to think of and easy to find. So it's entirely possible that the football fan in your life has their team's colors on everything in the room/house/property. Now the fandom can extend to their choice in office supplies. Behold! NFL Helmet Tape Dispensers!

Each helmet has a standard roll of Scotch tape and can be refilled with... standard rolls of Scotch Tape. The dispenser joins a long list of nifty tape dispensers that add flavor and life to any office.

Right now, about half of the league is available, with more stock arriving for additional teams. Soon you'll be able to get everybody in the league, no matter your preference. Heck, get a bunch so you'll have every matchup on hand.

College football fans will have to wait for univerity-based adhesive, but something tells me they won't have to wait long.