Thursday, October 27, 2016

Buy One Item, Get Cool Post-It or Tape Dispenser Free

We're always impressed with the latest dispensers 3M rolls out for its Post-It Notes and Scotch Tape. From fashion to sports to a simple aesthetic, there's something there for every taste. Two new dispensers are out now, and easy to get for free thanks to new rebates that do away with the amount you need to spend. Instead, you only need to purchase one qualifying product to get your hands on these:

This retro camera pop-up dispenser is the newest option and thanks to this rebate, yours with the purchase of just one pack of qualifying Post-It Note products. Qualifying products range from colorful 10 packs to cabinet packs that include a handy box for easy storage.

Make your desk feel a little more scholarly with this globe tape dispenser. It holds standard 3/4” Scotch Tape rolls, and again only requires the purchase of one item to claim. Items are a range of Scotch Tape multi-packs from the standard Magic tape to glossy Transparent tape to Greener tape made of 65% recycled materials.

These rebates are available through the end of the year!