Friday, October 1, 2010

Studies Show Your Office Need Hand Sanitizer

As the weather starts to get a little colder, and our local Walgreens starts advertising for flu shots, you know that Influenza (your friend and mine) is about to show up any day now. Sadly, you can't rid your office of the flu by calling an exterminator (or even prevent it from visiting you), but you can do your best to make sure that when it does show up that it makes minimal impact. Infectious Diseases at BioMed Central published a briefing (and a long version )from a controlled study that shows by simply providing easy access to an alcoholic hand disinfectant you can greatly decrease the amount of time employees spend sick at home.

I'll spare you the gory details and the extremely boring statistical analysis, but basically by supplying an office with easily available hand sanitizer you greatly increase the number of people who will not be spreading diseases and they'll spend less time at home due to things like diarrhea and other words that are easier to spell.  One of my favorite hand sanitizer accessories is this little Purell Pal.  Who knew that hand sanitizers could be cute?  Pick one up and a few 8oz replacement bottles when it gets empty.  While you are here, click the Purell Pal above and check out the 360 degree view so you can uncover the secret to how he stands up.


Hand sanitizer isn't made from any magical secret ingredients, it is mostly alcohol and water, so you don't need to spend the extra money on a name brand if you don't want to.  Genuine Joe hand sanitizers work every bit as well as the more expensive brand names and at a fraction of the cost.  I'm not going to tell you exactly what fraction of the cost it is, because it depends on the size, but ounce-to-ounce Genuine Joe is the best value for your dollar.  Unfortunately, when you buy Genuine Joe you don't get the opportunity to buy the super cute hand sanitizer holder, but you can always buy the Purell Pal and then refill it from the 4 pound hand sanitizer jug.


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